General Information

Task Information:
Workload Information:
Task Name : SH_SPA
Task Owner : SYS
Description :
SQL Tuning Set Name : sh_workload
SQL Tuning Set Owner : SYS
Total SQL Statement Count : 59

Execution Information:
Execution Name : sh_compartivo
Description :
Number of Unsupported SQL : 13
Started : 11/16/2017 09:45:42
Last Updated : 11/16/2017 09:45:42
Global Time Limit : UNLIMITED
Per-SQL Time Limit : UNUSED
Number of Errors : 0

Analysis Information:
Before Change Execution:
After Change Execution:
Execution Name : sh_before_change
Execution Type : TEST EXECUTE
Started : 11/16/2017 09:12:37
Last Updated : 11/16/2017 09:13:29
Global Time Limit : UNLIMITED
Per-SQL Time Limit : UNUSED
Number of Errors : 0
Execution Name : sh_after_change
Execution Type : TEST EXECUTE
Started : 11/16/2017 09:29:12
Last Updated : 11/16/2017 09:30:04
Global Time Limit : UNLIMITED
Per-SQL Time Limit : UNUSED
Number of Errors : 0

Comparison Metric: ELAPSED_TIME
Workload Impact Threshold: 1%
SQL Impact Threshold: 1%

Report Summary

Projected Workload Change Impact:
Overall Impact : -2.91%
Improvement Impact : 0%
Regression Impact : -2.91%

SQL Statement Count
SQL Category SQL Count Plan Change Count
Overall 59 46
Regressed 2 2
Unchanged 44 44
Unsupported 13 0

Top 46 SQL Sorted by Absolute Value of Change Impact on the Workload


Impact on
on SQL
190 28da8t4nc8uk9 -1.51% 62 174375 259357 -48.74% y
192 3fgwfcsa2k3bz -1.4% 54 195412 286008 -46.36% y
188 222q8cuf6ugt9 .61% 47 240585 195544 18.72% y
211 954q4b1vkp8m4 -.52% 57 183291 215175 -17.4% y
187 1zm0sn3qcx0hu .34% 45 206410 180303 12.65% y
213 9aft7htmzpd1d .34% 67 166518 149057 10.49% y
218 9w0c53r5um1xy .33% 52 245077 223233 8.91% y
214 9b723qjgkmy9z .32% 49 228769 205658 10.1% y
215 9fsjrrksxp4gj .26% 48 162116 143245 11.64% y
183 0bg8rg9srv8rm -.21% 56 224308 237560 -5.91% y
224 au7x78c2uju0p .2% 62 154018 142860 7.24% y
199 5vbwrcz3vw3s0 -.18% 61 236252 246455 -4.32% y
219 a75y9uq84au4p .17% 38 220762 204695 7.28% y
229 cmkygw8kypnpb .14% 48 254024 243968 3.96% y
226 c6axjhw2bv23t .14% 42 219398 208141 5.13% y
220 a9nt3xdwup082 .13% 47 169425 159580 5.81% y
184 1p5p7drt7atxd -.12% 51 149246 157684 -5.65% y
194 416hz7t3mx918 .11% 42 195742 186773 4.58% y
210 8wskn4vvvkd93 .1% 48 206895 199487 3.58% y
197 56nj9ptzakm56 .1% 44 207727 199834 3.8% y
195 4kwqmbh8cs1gp .1% 49 162285 155369 4.26% y
201 709uggnu40a9a -.09% 46 251652 258583 -2.75% y
191 370m5yqjjcr8z -.09% 60 142130 147347 -3.67% y
239 gx7ymx5myrd2t .08% 54 167982 162516 3.25% y
223 aktx221b6sqc4 .07% 56 142861 138540 3.02% y
186 1xmq1jkcnp2mf -.06% 52 168748 172516 -2.23% y
200 6n5rbcc9c9tvs .06% 51 222135 218336 1.71% y
198 5hppq6bp5wmnm -.04% 61 163524 165611 -1.28% y
234 fwsw6473mw961 .03% 47 151124 148999 1.41% y
185 1qr4ps69f36jy -.02% 56 154435 155863 -.92% y
217 9tkfxkjugywqp .02% 11 124307 117203 5.71% y
209 8k0bufga1dutt .02% 9 150603 141978 5.73% y
216 9h2u2z9y900yk .02% 10 159764 152415 4.6% y
193 3zdr12jv606xs -.02% 53 191762 192963 -.63% y
237 gppx8hpcwsb5g -.02% 7 194255 202939 -4.47% y
196 4wazxyxv5cpt0 .02% 47 154513 153237 .83% y
182 08kysb4nyt58n -.02% 9 132301 138697 -4.83% y
204 7f6kr3z5p8qxa .01% 8 149625 144216 3.62% y
233 fd5j4mmztdpmm .01% 8 156774 151871 3.13% y
206 83wufms0kwjb0 .01% 8 138891 135088 2.74% y
230 dfdg44tjr89uf .01% 48 185260 184686 .31% y
181 03ghr9b5m3x43 .01% 10 154958 152393 1.66% y
235 fx2c47hcyfz9f -.01% 8 153042 155689 -1.73% y
207 8g3y654ptjzrz 0% 58 187466 187166 .16% y
238 gpxukn3ft9qgw 0% 11 209424 208415 .48% y
208 8hytq9ybsh5xu 0% 6 150745 149083 1.1% y
Note: time statistics are displayed in microseconds

Report Details

SQL Details:

Object ID : 190
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 28da8t4nc8uk9
Execution Frequency : 62
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2009-1' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time -1.51% .174375 .259357 -48.74%
parse_time .54% .00082 .000725 11.59%
cpu_time -1.47% .173573 .255761 -47.35%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15906 .37%
cost .01% 4841 4824 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 16 16
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 5 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 5 ejecuciones.

Findings (2):
  1. Ha empeorado el rendimiento de este SQL.
  2. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 838
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 18948 1477944 4841 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 18948 1477944 4841 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 18948 966348 4841 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 18948 966348 4841 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 18948 966348 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19161 593991 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 90 1350 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 897
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 18948 1477944 4824 00:00:58
* 1 . VIEW 18948 1477944 4824 00:00:58
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 18948 966348 4824 00:00:58
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 18948 966348 4824 00:00:58
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 18948 966348 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19161 593991 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 90 1350 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 192
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 3fgwfcsa2k3bz
Execution Frequency : 54
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2008-4' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time -1.4% .195412 .286008 -46.36%
parse_time -.31% .000475 .000538 -13.26%
cpu_time -1.27% .19457 .276208 -41.96%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15906 .37%
cost .01% 4851 4834 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 5 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 4 ejecuciones.

Findings (2):
  1. Ha empeorado el rendimiento de este SQL.
  2. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 840
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 92 1380 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 899
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 92 1380 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 188
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 222q8cuf6ugt9
Execution Frequency : 47
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2010-3' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time .61% .240585 .195544 18.72%
parse_time .06% .000488 .000475 2.66%
cpu_time .53% .234964 .19577 16.68%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15906 .37%
cost .01% 4851 4834 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 4 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 5 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 836
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 92 1380 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 895
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 92 1380 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 211
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 954q4b1vkp8m4
Execution Frequency : 57
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2008-2' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time -.52% .183291 .215175 -17.4%
parse_time -.04% .000536 .000544 -1.49%
cpu_time -.55% .181372 .214967 -18.52%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15906 .37%
cost .01% 4849 4832 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 16 16
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 5 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 4 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 859
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19159 1494402 4849 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19159 1494402 4849 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19159 977109 4849 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19159 977109 4849 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19159 977109 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19374 600594 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 91 1365 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 918
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19159 1494402 4832 00:00:58
* 1 . VIEW 19159 1494402 4832 00:00:58
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19159 977109 4832 00:00:58
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19159 977109 4832 00:00:58
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19159 977109 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19374 600594 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 91 1365 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 187
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 1zm0sn3qcx0hu
Execution Frequency : 45
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2009-2' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time .34% .20641 .180303 12.65%
parse_time .2% .000666 .000618 7.21%
cpu_time .35% .207568 .180572 13.01%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15907 .36%
cost .01% 4849 4832 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 17 17
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 5 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 5 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 835
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19159 1494402 4849 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19159 1494402 4849 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19159 977109 4849 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19159 977109 4849 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19159 977109 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19374 600594 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 91 1365 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 894
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19159 1494402 4832 00:00:58
* 1 . VIEW 19159 1494402 4832 00:00:58
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19159 977109 4832 00:00:58
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19159 977109 4832 00:00:58
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19159 977109 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19374 600594 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 91 1365 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 213
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 9aft7htmzpd1d
Execution Frequency : 67
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2004-2' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time .34% .166518 .149057 10.49%
parse_time 3.05% .001007 .000506 49.75%
cpu_time .3% .164975 .14931 9.5%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15906 .37%
cost .01% 4849 4832 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 16 16
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 861
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19159 1494402 4849 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19159 1494402 4849 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19159 977109 4849 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19159 977109 4849 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19159 977109 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19374 600594 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 91 1365 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 920
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19159 1494402 4832 00:00:58
* 1 . VIEW 19159 1494402 4832 00:00:58
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19159 977109 4832 00:00:58
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19159 977109 4832 00:00:58
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19159 977109 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19374 600594 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 91 1365 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 218
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 9w0c53r5um1xy
Execution Frequency : 52
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2011-4' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time .33% .245077 .223233 8.91%
parse_time .3% .000651 .000587 9.83%
cpu_time .28% .242629 .223716 7.8%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15906 .37%
cost .01% 4851 4834 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 3 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 4 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 866
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 92 1380 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 925
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 92 1380 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 214
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 9b723qjgkmy9z
Execution Frequency : 49
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2009-4' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time .32% .228769 .205658 10.1%
parse_time -.41% .000435 .000528 -21.38%
cpu_time .27% .224965 .205718 8.56%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15906 .37%
cost .01% 4851 4834 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 16 16
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 4 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 4 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 862
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 92 1380 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 921
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 92 1380 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 215
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 9fsjrrksxp4gj
Execution Frequency : 48
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2000-1' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time .26% .162116 .143245 11.64%
parse_time .56% .000597 .000468 21.61%
cpu_time .24% .160575 .143145 10.85%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15906 .37%
cost .01% 4849 4832 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 5 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 863
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19159 1494402 4849 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19159 1494402 4849 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19159 977109 4849 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19159 977109 4849 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19159 977109 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19374 600594 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 91 1365 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 922
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19159 1494402 4832 00:00:58
* 1 . VIEW 19159 1494402 4832 00:00:58
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19159 977109 4832 00:00:58
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19159 977109 4832 00:00:58
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19159 977109 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19374 600594 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 91 1365 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 183
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 0bg8rg9srv8rm
Execution Frequency : 56
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2012-3' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time -.21% .224308 .23756 -5.91%
parse_time .96% .000708 .00052 26.55%
cpu_time -.2% .224965 .237214 -5.44%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15906 .37%
cost .01% 4851 4834 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 4 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 4 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 831
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 92 1380 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 890
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 92 1380 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 224
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : au7x78c2uju0p
Execution Frequency : 62
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2005-3' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time .2% .154018 .14286 7.24%
parse_time 3.35% .00116 .000565 51.29%
cpu_time .2% .154143 .142835 7.34%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15907 .36%
cost .01% 4851 4834 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 7 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 872
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 92 1380 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 931
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 92 1380 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 199
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 5vbwrcz3vw3s0
Execution Frequency : 61
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2013-3' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time -.18% .236252 .246455 -4.32%
parse_time -.45% .000433 .000514 -18.71%
cpu_time -.22% .233714 .246212 -5.35%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15906 .37%
cost .01% 4851 4834 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 4 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 4 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 847
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 92 1380 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 906
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 92 1380 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 219
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : a75y9uq84au4p
Execution Frequency : 38
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2010-4' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time .17% .220762 .204695 7.28%
parse_time -.11% .000523 .000554 -5.93%
cpu_time .15% .218216 .204469 6.3%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15907 .36%
cost .01% 4851 4834 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 4 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 4 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 867
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 92 1380 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 926
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 92 1380 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 229
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : cmkygw8kypnpb
Execution Frequency : 48
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2013-4' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time .14% .254024 .243968 3.96%
parse_time -.17% .000529 .000569 -7.56%
cpu_time .13% .253961 .244213 3.84%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15907 .36%
cost .01% 4851 4834 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 16 16
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 3 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 4 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 877
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 92 1380 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 936
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 92 1380 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 226
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : c6axjhw2bv23t
Execution Frequency : 42
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2013-2' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time .14% .219398 .208141 5.13%
parse_time .22% .000545 .000488 10.46%
cpu_time .13% .219466 .208718 4.9%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15906 .37%
cost .01% 4849 4832 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 4 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 4 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 874
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19159 1494402 4849 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19159 1494402 4849 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19159 977109 4849 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19159 977109 4849 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19159 977109 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19374 600594 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 91 1365 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 933
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19159 1494402 4832 00:00:58
* 1 . VIEW 19159 1494402 4832 00:00:58
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19159 977109 4832 00:00:58
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19159 977109 4832 00:00:58
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19159 977109 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19374 600594 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 91 1365 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 220
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : a9nt3xdwup082
Execution Frequency : 47
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2007-1' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time .13% .169425 .15958 5.81%
parse_time 1.03% .000791 .000551 30.34%
cpu_time .11% .168174 .159809 4.97%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15907 .36%
cost .01% 4841 4824 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 16 16
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 5 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 868
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 18948 1477944 4841 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 18948 1477944 4841 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 18948 966348 4841 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 18948 966348 4841 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 18948 966348 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19161 593991 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 90 1350 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 927
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 18948 1477944 4824 00:00:58
* 1 . VIEW 18948 1477944 4824 00:00:58
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 18948 966348 4824 00:00:58
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 18948 966348 4824 00:00:58
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 18948 966348 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19161 593991 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 90 1350 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 184
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 1p5p7drt7atxd
Execution Frequency : 51
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2001-4' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time -.12% .149246 .157684 -5.65%
parse_time -.93% .000408 .000608 -49.02%
cpu_time -.11% .15031 .157976 -5.1%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15907 .36%
cost .01% 4851 4834 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 832
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 92 1380 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 891
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 92 1380 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 194
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 416hz7t3mx918
Execution Frequency : 42
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2009-3' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time .11% .195742 .186773 4.58%
parse_time -.52% .000411 .000548 -33.33%
cpu_time .09% .19477 .186971 4%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15906 .37%
cost .01% 4851 4834 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 5 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 5 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 842
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 92 1380 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 901
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 92 1380 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 210
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 8wskn4vvvkd93
Execution Frequency : 48
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2013-1' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time .1% .206895 .199487 3.58%
parse_time -.16% .000537 .000573 -6.7%
cpu_time .07% .204719 .199569 2.52%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15907 .36%
cost .01% 4841 4824 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 4 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 5 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 858
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 18948 1477944 4841 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 18948 1477944 4841 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 18948 966348 4841 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 18948 966348 4841 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 18948 966348 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19161 593991 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 90 1350 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 917
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 18948 1477944 4824 00:00:58
* 1 . VIEW 18948 1477944 4824 00:00:58
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 18948 966348 4824 00:00:58
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 18948 966348 4824 00:00:58
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 18948 966348 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19161 593991 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 90 1350 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 197
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 56nj9ptzakm56
Execution Frequency : 44
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2011-2' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time .1% .207727 .199834 3.8%
parse_time -1.49% .000507 .00088 -73.57%
cpu_time .09% .207218 .200169 3.4%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15906 .37%
cost .01% 4849 4832 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 4 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 5 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 845
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19159 1494402 4849 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19159 1494402 4849 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19159 977109 4849 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19159 977109 4849 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19159 977109 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19374 600594 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 91 1365 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 904
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19159 1494402 4832 00:00:58
* 1 . VIEW 19159 1494402 4832 00:00:58
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19159 977109 4832 00:00:58
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19159 977109 4832 00:00:58
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19159 977109 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19374 600594 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 91 1365 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 195
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 4kwqmbh8cs1gp
Execution Frequency : 49
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '1998-3' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time .1% .162285 .155369 4.26%
parse_time -.43% .000592 .000688 -16.22%
cpu_time .07% .160309 .155643 2.91%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15906 .37%
cost .01% 4851 4834 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 16 16
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 843
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 92 1380 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 902
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 92 1380 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 201
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 709uggnu40a9a
Execution Frequency : 46
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2012-4' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time -.09% .251652 .258583 -2.75%
parse_time .2% .000568 .00052 8.45%
cpu_time -.11% .249628 .258294 -3.47%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15906 .37%
cost .01% 4851 4834 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 3 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 3 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 849
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 92 1380 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 908
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 92 1380 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 191
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 370m5yqjjcr8z
Execution Frequency : 60
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '1997-4' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time -.09% .14213 .147347 -3.67%
parse_time -1.49% .000548 .000822 -50%
cpu_time -.1% .141692 .147477 -4.08%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15906 .37%
cost .01% 4851 4834 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 17 17
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 7 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 839
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 92 1380 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 898
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 92 1380 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 239
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : gx7ymx5myrd2t
Execution Frequency : 54
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2008-1' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time .08% .167982 .162516 3.25%
parse_time -.7% .00063 .000772 -22.54%
cpu_time .06% .166574 .162808 2.26%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15906 .37%
cost .01% 4849 4832 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 5 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 887
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19159 1494402 4849 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19159 1494402 4849 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19159 977109 4849 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19159 977109 4849 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19159 977109 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19374 600594 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 91 1365 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 946
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19159 1494402 4832 00:00:58
* 1 . VIEW 19159 1494402 4832 00:00:58
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19159 977109 4832 00:00:58
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19159 977109 4832 00:00:58
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19159 977109 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19374 600594 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 91 1365 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 223
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : aktx221b6sqc4
Execution Frequency : 56
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '1997-1' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time .07% .142861 .13854 3.02%
parse_time -.95% .000554 .000741 -33.75%
cpu_time .07% .142311 .138264 2.84%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15906 .37%
cost .01% 4841 4824 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 16 16
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 7 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 871
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 18948 1477944 4841 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 18948 1477944 4841 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 18948 966348 4841 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 18948 966348 4841 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 18948 966348 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19161 593991 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 90 1350 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 930
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 18948 1477944 4824 00:00:58
* 1 . VIEW 18948 1477944 4824 00:00:58
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 18948 966348 4824 00:00:58
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 18948 966348 4824 00:00:58
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 18948 966348 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19161 593991 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 90 1350 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 186
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 1xmq1jkcnp2mf
Execution Frequency : 52
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2006-4' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time -.06% .168748 .172516 -2.23%
parse_time -.01% .000491 .000494 -.61%
cpu_time -.04% .169974 .172373 -1.41%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15906 .37%
cost .01% 4851 4834 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 16 16
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 5 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 5 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 834
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 92 1380 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 893
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 92 1380 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 200
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 6n5rbcc9c9tvs
Execution Frequency : 51
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2012-2' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time .06% .222135 .218336 1.71%
parse_time -1.29% .000429 .000708 -65.03%
cpu_time .01% .219466 .218466 .46%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15907 .36%
cost .01% 4849 4832 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 4 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 4 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 848
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19159 1494402 4849 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19159 1494402 4849 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19159 977109 4849 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19159 977109 4849 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19159 977109 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19374 600594 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 91 1365 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 907
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19159 1494402 4832 00:00:58
* 1 . VIEW 19159 1494402 4832 00:00:58
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19159 977109 4832 00:00:58
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19159 977109 4832 00:00:58
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19159 977109 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19374 600594 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 91 1365 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 198
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 5hppq6bp5wmnm
Execution Frequency : 61
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2006-3' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time -.04% .163524 .165611 -1.28%
parse_time .96% .000711 .000538 24.33%
cpu_time -.05% .162975 .165974 -1.84%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15906 .37%
cost .01% 4851 4834 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 846
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 92 1380 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 905
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 92 1380 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 234
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : fwsw6473mw961
Execution Frequency : 47
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2004-1' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time .03% .151124 .148999 1.41%
parse_time .11% .000558 .000532 4.66%
cpu_time 0% .14931 .148977 .22%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15907 .36%
cost .01% 4849 4832 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 17 17
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 882
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19159 1494402 4849 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19159 1494402 4849 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19159 977109 4849 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19159 977109 4849 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19159 977109 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19374 600594 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 91 1365 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 941
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19159 1494402 4832 00:00:58
* 1 . VIEW 19159 1494402 4832 00:00:58
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19159 977109 4832 00:00:58
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19159 977109 4832 00:00:58
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19159 977109 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19374 600594 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 91 1365 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 185
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 1qr4ps69f36jy
Execution Frequency : 56
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2006-2' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time -.02% .154435 .155863 -.92%
parse_time -.12% .000442 .000465 -5.2%
cpu_time -.01% .155143 .155976 -.54%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15907 .36%
cost .01% 4849 4832 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 833
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19159 1494402 4849 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19159 1494402 4849 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19159 977109 4849 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19159 977109 4849 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19159 977109 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19374 600594 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 91 1365 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 892
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19159 1494402 4832 00:00:58
* 1 . VIEW 19159 1494402 4832 00:00:58
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19159 977109 4832 00:00:58
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19159 977109 4832 00:00:58
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19159 977109 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19374 600594 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 91 1365 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 217
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 9tkfxkjugywqp
Execution Frequency : 11
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2014-4' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time .02% .124307 .117203 5.71%
parse_time -.37% .000518 .000885 -70.85%
cpu_time .02% .122981 .117107 4.78%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets 0% 11579 11520 .51%
cost 0% 4851 4834 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 0 0
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 8 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 8 ejecuciones.

Findings (2):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.
  2. Esta sentencia SQL ha devuelto cero filas.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 865
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19264 1502592 4851 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19264 1502592 4851 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19264 982464 4851 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19264 982464 4851 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19264 982464 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19480 603880 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 92 1380 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 924
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19264 1502592 4834 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19264 1502592 4834 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19264 982464 4834 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19264 982464 4834 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19264 982464 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19480 603880 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 92 1380 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 209
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 8k0bufga1dutt
Execution Frequency : 9
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2002-1' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time .02% .150603 .141978 5.73%
parse_time -.05% .000484 .000548 -13.22%
cpu_time .02% .149144 .142121 4.71%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets 0% 15965 15906 .37%
cost 0% 4841 4824 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 16 16
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 7 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 857
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 18948 1477944 4841 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 18948 1477944 4841 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 18948 966348 4841 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 18948 966348 4841 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 18948 966348 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19161 593991 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 90 1350 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 916
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 18948 1477944 4824 00:00:58
* 1 . VIEW 18948 1477944 4824 00:00:58
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 18948 966348 4824 00:00:58
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 18948 966348 4824 00:00:58
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 18948 966348 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19161 593991 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 90 1350 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 216
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 9h2u2z9y900yk
Execution Frequency : 10
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '1999-3' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time .02% .159764 .152415 4.6%
parse_time 0% .000519 .000515 .77%
cpu_time .02% .157976 .152476 3.48%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets 0% 15965 15907 .36%
cost 0% 4851 4834 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 864
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 92 1380 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 923
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 92 1380 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 193
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 3zdr12jv606xs
Execution Frequency : 53
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2011-1' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time -.02% .191762 .192963 -.63%
parse_time .53% .000566 .000455 19.61%
cpu_time -.05% .188971 .19237 -1.8%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15906 .37%
cost .01% 4841 4824 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 5 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 5 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 841
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 18948 1477944 4841 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 18948 1477944 4841 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 18948 966348 4841 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 18948 966348 4841 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 18948 966348 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19161 593991 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 90 1350 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 900
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 18948 1477944 4824 00:00:58
* 1 . VIEW 18948 1477944 4824 00:00:58
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 18948 966348 4824 00:00:58
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 18948 966348 4824 00:00:58
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 18948 966348 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19161 593991 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 90 1350 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 237
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : gppx8hpcwsb5g
Execution Frequency : 7
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2012-1' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time -.02% .194255 .202939 -4.47%
parse_time .04% .000573 .000504 12.04%
cpu_time -.02% .19257 .202219 -5.01%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets 0% 15965 15906 .37%
cost 0% 4849 4832 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 5 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 4 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 885
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19159 1494402 4849 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19159 1494402 4849 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19159 977109 4849 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19159 977109 4849 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19159 977109 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19374 600594 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 91 1365 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 944
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19159 1494402 4832 00:00:58
* 1 . VIEW 19159 1494402 4832 00:00:58
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19159 977109 4832 00:00:58
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19159 977109 4832 00:00:58
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19159 977109 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19374 600594 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 91 1365 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 196
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 4wazxyxv5cpt0
Execution Frequency : 47
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2005-1' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time .02% .154513 .153237 .83%
parse_time -.52% .000467 .000588 -25.91%
cpu_time 0% .153643 .15331 .22%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15906 .37%
cost .01% 4841 4824 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 844
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 18948 1477944 4841 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 18948 1477944 4841 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 18948 966348 4841 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 18948 966348 4841 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 18948 966348 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19161 593991 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 90 1350 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 903
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 18948 1477944 4824 00:00:58
* 1 . VIEW 18948 1477944 4824 00:00:58
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 18948 966348 4824 00:00:58
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 18948 966348 4824 00:00:58
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 18948 966348 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19161 593991 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 90 1350 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 182
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 08kysb4nyt58n
Execution Frequency : 9
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '1995-4' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time -.02% .132301 .138697 -4.83%
parse_time -.03% .000519 .00055 -5.97%
cpu_time -.02% .132122 .138978 -5.19%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets 0% 15965 15907 .36%
cost 0% 4851 4834 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 7 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 7 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 830
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 92 1380 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 889
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 92 1380 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 204
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 7f6kr3z5p8qxa
Execution Frequency : 8
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2002-2' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time .01% .149625 .144216 3.62%
parse_time .2% .000787 .000515 34.56%
cpu_time .01% .148144 .144311 2.59%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets 0% 15965 15906 .37%
cost 0% 4849 4832 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 16 16
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 852
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19159 1494402 4849 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19159 1494402 4849 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19159 977109 4849 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19159 977109 4849 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19159 977109 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19374 600594 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 91 1365 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 911
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19159 1494402 4832 00:00:58
* 1 . VIEW 19159 1494402 4832 00:00:58
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19159 977109 4832 00:00:58
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19159 977109 4832 00:00:58
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19159 977109 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19374 600594 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 91 1365 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 233
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : fd5j4mmztdpmm
Execution Frequency : 8
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2003-3' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time .01% .156774 .151871 3.13%
parse_time -.09% .000434 .000562 -29.49%
cpu_time .01% .154643 .151976 1.72%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets 0% 15965 15906 .37%
cost 0% 4851 4834 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 881
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 92 1380 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 940
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 92 1380 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 206
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 83wufms0kwjb0
Execution Frequency : 8
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '1995-3' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time .01% .138891 .135088 2.74%
parse_time -.14% .000579 .000773 -33.51%
cpu_time .01% .137836 .135122 1.97%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets 0% 15965 15906 .37%
cost 0% 4851 4834 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 7 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 7 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 854
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 92 1380 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 913
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 92 1380 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 230
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : dfdg44tjr89uf
Execution Frequency : 48
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2010-1' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time .01% .18526 .184686 .31%
parse_time .14% .000551 .000519 5.81%
cpu_time -.03% .182572 .184972 -1.31%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15907 .36%
cost .01% 4841 4824 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 5 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 5 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 878
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 18948 1477944 4841 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 18948 1477944 4841 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 18948 966348 4841 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 18948 966348 4841 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 18948 966348 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19161 593991 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 90 1350 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 937
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 18948 1477944 4824 00:00:58
* 1 . VIEW 18948 1477944 4824 00:00:58
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 18948 966348 4824 00:00:58
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 18948 966348 4824 00:00:58
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 18948 966348 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19161 593991 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 90 1350 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 181
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 03ghr9b5m3x43
Execution Frequency : 10
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2003-4' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time .01% .154958 .152393 1.66%
parse_time -.07% .000451 .000523 -15.96%
cpu_time .01% .154726 .152643 1.35%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets 0% 15965 15906 .37%
cost 0% 4851 4834 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 4 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 829
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 92 1380 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 888
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 92 1380 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 235
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : fx2c47hcyfz9f
Execution Frequency : 8
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2006-1' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time -.01% .153042 .155689 -1.73%
parse_time -.04% .000505 .000556 -10.1%
cpu_time -.01% .15181 .155643 -2.52%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets 0% 15965 15906 .37%
cost 0% 4841 4824 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 883
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 18948 1477944 4841 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 18948 1477944 4841 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 18948 966348 4841 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 18948 966348 4841 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 18948 966348 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19161 593991 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 90 1350 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 942
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 18948 1477944 4824 00:00:58
* 1 . VIEW 18948 1477944 4824 00:00:58
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 18948 966348 4824 00:00:58
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 18948 966348 4824 00:00:58
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 18948 966348 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19161 593991 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 90 1350 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 207
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 8g3y654ptjzrz
Execution Frequency : 58
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2010-2' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time 0% .187466 .187166 .16%
parse_time -.53% .000539 .000639 -18.55%
cpu_time -.04% .184972 .187371 -1.3%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets .01% 15965 15906 .37%
cost .01% 4849 4832 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 5 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 5 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 855
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19159 1494402 4849 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19159 1494402 4849 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19159 977109 4849 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19159 977109 4849 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19159 977109 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19374 600594 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 91 1365 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 914
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19159 1494402 4832 00:00:58
* 1 . VIEW 19159 1494402 4832 00:00:58
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19159 977109 4832 00:00:58
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19159 977109 4832 00:00:58
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19159 977109 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19374 600594 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 91 1365 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 238
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : gpxukn3ft9qgw
Execution Frequency : 11
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2011-3' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time 0% .209424 .208415 .48%
parse_time .02% .000491 .000474 3.46%
cpu_time 0% .207468 .208468 -.48%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets 0% 15965 15907 .36%
cost 0% 4851 4834 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 15 15
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 4 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 4 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 886
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4851 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4851 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 92 1380 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 945
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19370 1510860 4834 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19370 987870 4834 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19370 987870 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19587 607197 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 92 1380 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

SQL Details:

Object ID : 208
Schema Name : SH
Container Name : Unknown (con_dbid: 2934716302)
SQL ID : 8hytq9ybsh5xu
Execution Frequency : 6
SQL Text : SELECT * FROM (SELECT times.calendar_quarter_desc, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, SUM(sales.amount_sold), rank() over(PARTITION BY times.calendar_quarter_desc ORDER BY SUM(amount_sold) DESC) AS rank_within_quarter FROM sales, customers, times WHERE sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND times.calendar_quarter_desc = '2000-2' AND times.time_id = sales.time_id GROUP BY customers.cust_id, customers.cust_first_name, customers.cust_last_name, customers.cust_id, times.calendar_quarter_desc) WHERE rank_within_quarter < 16

Execution Statistics:

Stat Name
Impact on
on SQL
elapsed_time 0% .150745 .149083 1.1%
parse_time -.06% .000504 .000611 -21.23%
cpu_time 0% .149477 .14931 .11%
user_io_time 0% 0 0 0%
buffer_gets 0% 15965 15907 .36%
cost 0% 4849 4832 .35%
reads 0% 0 0 0%
writes 0% 0 0 0%
io_interconnect_bytes 0% 0 0 0%
rows 16 16
Note: time statistics are displayed in seconds

Before Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

After Change:
  1. La sentencia se ha ejecutado en primer lugar para calentar la caché de buffers.
  2. La media de las estadísticas mostradas se ha realizado sobre las siguientes 6 ejecuciones.

Findings (1):
  1. La estructura del plan de ejecución SQL ha cambiado.

Execution Plan Before Change:
Plan Id : 856
Plan Hash Value : 3551373025

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19159 1494402 4849 00:00:59
* 1 . VIEW 19159 1494402 4849 00:00:59
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19159 977109 4849 00:00:59
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19159 977109 4849 00:00:59
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19159 977109 4354 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19374 600594 3157 00:00:38
* 6 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES 91 1365 19 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

Execution Plan After Change:
Plan Id : 915
Plan Hash Value : 4028546188

Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost Time
0 SELECT STATEMENT 19159 1494402 4832 00:00:58
* 1 . VIEW 19159 1494402 4832 00:00:58
* 2 .. WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK 19159 977109 4832 00:00:58
3 ... HASH GROUP BY 19159 977109 4832 00:00:58
* 4 .... HASH JOIN 19159 977109 4337 00:00:53
* 5 ..... HASH JOIN 19374 600594 3140 00:00:38
* 6 ...... INDEX RANGE SCAN IDX$$_00A90001 91 1365 2 00:00:01
7 ...... TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES 1472847 23565552 3134 00:00:38
8 ..... TABLE ACCESS FULL CUSTOMERS 162592 3251840 1197 00:00:15

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):